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SVG File Extrusion

In this lesson, students will learn how to use an SVG file in Blender. They will extrude the image and then add in a light and materials to create their final scene.


LT: I can use an svg file to create a 3D image

Screen Shot 2024-02-06 at 10.24.01 AM.png

Create your project

LT: I can create a new project to use an SVG file.

Part 2

LT: I can rotate and add in a plane

In this video, students will learn how to rotate the SVG and add in a plane to start creating a scene

Part 3

LT: I can add in a camera and a light.

Students will add in a camera and light to the scene.

Part 4

LT: I can render my image

Students will learn how to render and save the image.

Turn in Render to SVG File Extrude

Simple Animation

LT: I can animate my svg file

Learn how to create a basic animation by rotating the SVG file and creating key frames.  

Turn in Rendered Animation .MP4 to SVG Animation

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