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Scavenger Hunt

LT:  I can work with a group. I can use a camera. I can take photos based on tasks. I can create a contact sheet..


LT:  I can work with a group. I can use a camera. I can take photos based on tasks. I can create a contact sheet..

The semester has just started, and students are all new to the class and content so this assignment is to "break the ice".  This assignment will give you a little taste of what our class is going to be like throughout the semester.  

  • You will work with other students from time to time

  • You will be given a task to go photograph during class

  • You will be given information and skills to base the photos on either when taking or when editing

  • You will have some computer portion to each assignment.

  • You will need to follow the Task Oriented Guidelines when working.

Get in groups of 3-4.  In your groups, try to find all of the images.  Each person in the group should take a minimum of 12 photos to help the group complete the tasks.  You do need to stick together, so no wandering off on your own.  See the list below for the different tasks.  The total photos you should have when finished is 32 photos.




Screen Shot 2022-08-08 at 10.10.26 PM.png

!!!!! Rules/guidelines!!!

When shooting your photographs for each assignment you need to make sure you follow ALL the rules.


  • You must have a pass (each person)

  • You must stay on task

  • You cannot go into a classroom with students present

  • You cannot be loud and interrupt classes (avoid going by the classrooms period)

  • You can go outside but must stay on campus

  • You must be respectful

  • You must make sure all photos are school appropriate in content


Before Leaving Class - IPHONE USERS ONLY

Check Camera Formats

Screen Shot 2022-08-14 at 4.48.33 PM.png

OR if you want to keep HEIC

Screen Shot 2022-08-14 at 4.49.00 PM.png

OR if you want to keep HEIC

Screen Shot 2022-08-14 at 4.49.00 PM.png

Scroll down until you see Transfer to Mac or PC as seen below

Now Go Take Photos
Make sure to be back with about 10 minutes left of class to turn in equipment and check in If you have an android make sure to bring the USB cable to connect to the computer for the next class.

Day 2 -Contact Sheets

Now that you are done with taking your photos, we are going to create a Contact Sheet.  â€‹


A contact sheet can also be called a proof sheet.  It is a series of thumbnails of each of the photos you have taken.  It is used to look at all the photos in order to narrow down the best of the series. 


Back when I was in school, this was created by taking the negative film roll, cutting it into short strips, and placing it on photo paper. Then the paper with negatives was exposed to light and developed.

How to Make your Contact Sheet

We are going to create our contact sheet using Adobe Photoshop.  This is a quick and easy process to see your photos all on one sheet. This can be done in Adobe Bridge or using a template.  Watch the video below to create your contact sheet


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