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LT: I can use Adobe After Effects to create special Effects.

Creating Special Effects

On this page, you will learn about special effects in movies as well as the new cutting-edge technology replacing the current visual effects technology.  You will also find a few tutorials on how to use Adobe After Effects.  Each tutorial is a basic skill used to create special effects in videos.

Most movies use some form of special effects these days.  How do the visual effects artist create these effects?  One way is to use a green or blue screen.  This allows the artist to remove the background and put the actors anywhere in the world or space.  See the video below on how movies use green screen during filming and during editing.

Sometimes, the visual effects artist do not have the time to make the effects look natural as seen in the clip below.

With programs like Adobe After Effects, movies can create almost anything their minds can imagine.  Here is a video showing how it can be used in commercials, TV and Movies.

The future of special effects is here.  Movies are now using virtual sets instead of a green screen as seen in the Mandalorian.  Using LCD Screens and video game engines, special effect artists are creating new ways to make filming easier.  Watch the video below to see how and why this new technology came about.  This is merging video games and movie technology creating new careers.  


You can learn how to use these video game engines by taking our Video Game Classes here at LHS!

Let's begin learning how to do some basic special effects using Green Screen and Motion Tracking in the Tutorials below.​


Step 1: Install After Effects


Use the Launchpad to see if you have Adobe After Effects.  If you see it, skip to the next video.  If you do not have the app, use this video to learn how to use the Creative Cloud App to Install Adobe After Effects

Step 2: Green Screen with. Adobe Premiere


Learn how to use Adobe Premiere to add a simple Color Key effect to the videos provided.  Students can then compare the final outcome after using After Effects to green screen.


LT: I can learn how to green screen using a color key.

Step 3: Green Screen with Adobe After Effects

Learn how to use the Adobe After Effects to create a short Green Screen video use the same files as before.

LT: I can use green screen videos to create my own scene

Making a Green Screen Composite

On this page, you will learn about special effects in movies as well as the new cutting-edge technology replacing the current visual effects technology.  You will also find a few tutorials on how to use Adobe After Effects.  Each tutorial is a basic skill used to create special effects in videos.

Step 4: Green Screen Project

Now that you know how to use After Effects to create a Green Screen Effect, create your own short green screen project.  Use the clips from the folder to create a scene with animals, landscapes. 

Use 5 different green screen videos, 2-3 that are keyframed, with one video for the background. Make sure video is about 15 seconds.


LT: I can create my own green screen video using skills in the previous step.





My Green Screen Example

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