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Introduction to Video Game

Arcade Games

Intro to Video Game is a beginner course for students to explore the world of game creation. Students will have access to Unity and Adobe Photoshop to create all aspects of their games.  Students will also use Unity Playground pre-made scripts.

Intro To Course

This link provides information on the course, instructor, syllabus, and course expectations

Video Game Designers
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Learn Unity

Students will learn how to use Unity and access one of the many online courses in Unity Learn.



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History of Video Games

Students will research a topic or person that was influential in Video Game History

Arcade Games
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What Are Sprites

Learn about sprites, sprite sizes, and how to create your first sprite using Adobe Photoshop. These sprites will be used in your next game

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Basic Game in Unity

Using the sprites created in Adobe Photoshop, students will learn how to use Unity Playground to add movement and other actions to their sprites.


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Tile Map Game

Students will learn how to use the grids and a tile map palette to create the background for this maze like game.  Students will also learn how use player health.





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Tile Map Sprites

Students will learn how to create tiles in order to use a TileMap in Unity. Students will also create a character sprite, collectible and an enemy sprite.

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Space Sprites

Students will create different sprites for their space game.  These sprites will be larger in size making the design more interesting. Students will also learn how to add new brushes to Adobe.

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Space Shooter Game

Learn to create a space shooter game​

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Animation Sprites

Create sprites for an animation game with jump and levels.

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Space Game Levels

Create a space shooting game with levels and enemies that shoot back.​

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Animation Game

Create a game with animated sprites including character with a jump.

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Own Game

Students will create their own game using a a panning document and creating their own sprites. This game will be the final capstone project for the semester

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Students will create a portfolio of their games throughout the semester.  Students will also discuss what they have lea

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