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!!!!! Rules/guidelines!!!
When shooting your photographs for each assignment you need to make sure you follow ALL the rules.
You must have a pass (each person)
You must stay on task
You cannot go into a classroom with students present
You cannot be loud and interrupt classes (avoid going by the classrooms period)
You can go outside but must stay on campus
You must be respectful
You must make sure all photos are school appropriate in content
Before Leaving Class - IPHONE USERS ONLY
Check Camera Formats
Mrs. St.Clair
Space Sprites
LT: I can create tiles and sprites for my game
Examples of Space Games
Space games have always been a popular video game choice for players.
In this project, students will create a spaceship for the space shooter game. Students will create background tiles as well as enemy and collectible sprites. The sprites will then be used in the next game
1. Spaceship Sprite - Create 3
LT: I can create a sprite in Photoshop.
This first video will help you get started on creating your spaceship sprites. Remember to make the ship your own for the game. Use either 128 x 128 or 256 x 256 pixel-sized canvases to get started.
2. Space Background - Create 2
LT: I can use brushes to design a sprite
Look at some of the examples below to get an idea of the backgrounds that can be created. After looking at few examples for reference, start creating the space background. New brushes to add to Photoshop can be downloaded using the button below.
Background Part 2
3. Asteroid Sprite - Create 3
LT: I can create a sprite to be an obstacle
Use the videos below to create two different asteroids
4. Optional - Restore Health Item - Create 1
LT: I can create a sprite to restore health to my character
Think of an item to use in your game to restore health to your character. What may this look like?
Turn In PNG to Classroom
LT: I can turn in my assignment
5. Create Sprite Sheet
LT: I can create a sprite sheet
Use the video from the previous lesson to create your sprite sheet for the project. DO NOT INCLUDE BACKGROUNDS.
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