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Beginning Coding

LT: I can use coding to make an object move

In this project, students will learn how to write a code to make an object move.

1. Start your project

LT: I can create a new project
In this step students will learn how and where to save a project using Unity

2. Watch only - Set up best work flow

LT: I can change the arrangement of the scene

3. Download Sprites from Button or Classroom

LT: I can download sprites
Go to classroom and find the correct materials or click here to get the link. Then add the sprites to the project window.

4. Add Assets to a Scene

LT: I can assets to my scene
Now add the sprites to the scene to start arranging our games.

5. Move and Resize Assets

LT: I can work with the Unity Tools
How to move assets and resize to make them fit for your game.

6. Add a Player & Ground

LT: I can add a player to my game
In this video, we will create a "Player" and then add ground for it to land on. If your new assets don't appear, don't forget to work on the sorting layer. Add a 1 in where there is a 0.

7. Add Physics

LT: I can add physics to my game.
Physics in the Unity are what make the game work, besides the coding. Adding colliders will stop objects from passing through each other.

8. Add movement

LT: I can code to move my player
Time for coding. You have to type it exactly as you see it. Any mistakes will make it so your game doesn't work. Or watch the video all the way to the end and learn how to add in the complete code to make the game work.

9. Make your game

LT: I can code to move my player
In this Step, students will create the game to be a stand alone icon on the computer. Anyone with the icon, can play the game.

Last Step: Screen Record and Turn in

LT: I can code to move my player
This video will show you how to record your game while you describe how you made the game. I highly suggest you jot some notes down so you know what to say while you are showing off your basic unity game.
  1. Describe what you made

  2. Describe the steps you did to make the game

  3. Describe how it went and what went well

  4. Do all of this while showing your basic unity game and screen

Turn in screen recording to Google Classroom.
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