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LT: I can identify different rules of composition. I can use composition rules in my photos. I can use the tips to take better photos.

Composition in Photography

Composition rules are used in photography to draw the viewer's attention to specific parts of the photograph. 

Cream and Brown Modern Photography Composition Infographic.png

What is Composition? What makes your composition good?  The videos below will teach about good composition as well as some tips and tricks to take better photos.

Tips for Better Composition

MoreTips for Better Composition

Now that you have learned about Composition and Tips for better photos, you are going to apply this information and take your own photos.


Requirements for Photos

Must have 5 good photos for the following:

  1. Rule of Thirds

  2. Diagonal

  3. Golden Triangle

  4. Rule of Odds

  5. Framing 

  6. Leading lines

  7. Centered

  8. Golden Spiral Extra Credit

  • 35 photos minimum









Subject matter of Photos:

This time, I am telling you what the subject matter must be.  You can mix and match

  • 10 of still lifes

  • 10 landscapes/Nature

  • 5 of people

  • 10 your choice





You Have a Choice: Photoshop or Canva

Use the rubric below or in Google classroom to assess your work before turning it into the Padlet.  Make sure you have met all areas of the assignment. Then click on the link below to take a short self-assessment as well as complete the self-critique in Google Classroom for this assignment.

Edit your Best Image for Each Area Required

LT: I can edit my images to enhance the elements

  • Select the BEST Image for each Composition Rule, 8 total.

    • Rule of Thirds

    • Diagonal

    • Golden Triangle

    • Golden Spiral

    • Rule of Odds

    • Framing 

    • Leading lines

    • Centered

  • Import your images into Lightroom on the computer to enhance, adjust and crop as needed

  • Use the videos below to help guide editing to enhance your images.

Basic Editing

LT: I can edit my image using the color channel saturation sliders


Make Your Poster

LT: I can show my best work. I can create a poster. I can provide good examples of Composition

Copy of Copy of Template for Principles.png

You get to choose where to make the poster.  For some Photoshop will be easiest. For others, Canva will be the way to go.  I also have a template below for you to use if you need more help with spacing.


For guidance on how to create your poster In Photoshop, watch the video below.

Add the Poster to Padlet

Turn your poster into Padlet website in Google Classroom.  Make sure the file is a PNG or JPEG first.

LT: I can add an image to my portfolio



Composition Poster copy.png

Use Canva

For guidance on how to create your poster in Canva, watch the video below.

Coming Soon...

Using Cropping Tool In Lightroom for Composition Help

LT: I can use the cropping tools to help create a better composition.

Composition Poster copy.png
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