!!!!! Rules/guidelines!!!
When shooting your photographs for each assignment you need to make sure you follow ALL the rules.
You must have a pass (each person)
You must stay on task
You cannot go into a classroom with students present
You cannot be loud and interrupt classes (avoid going by the classrooms period)
You can go outside but must stay on campus
You must be respectful
You must make sure all photos are school appropriate in content
Before Leaving Class - IPHONE USERS ONLY
Check Camera Formats
Mrs. St.Clair
Camera Care
LT: I can use a video camera. I can locate the different parts of a video camera. I can work with a group. I can use a camera. I can film different tasks. I can put clips in a timeline and export them.
Parts of a Camera
LT: I can use a video camera.
Taking care of a camera and know how to use it will help in all aspects of filming and the longevity of your camera. Below is a video on the different parts of a video camera. Watch and take notes.
Camera Do's and Dont's
The semester has just started, and students are all new to the class and content so this assignment is to "break the ice". This assignment will give you a little taste of what our class is going to be like throughout the semester.
You will work with other students from time to time
You will be given tasks to go film during class
You will be given information and skills to to use during filming and editing
You will have some computer portion to each assignment.
You will need to follow the Task Oriented Guidelines when working.
Get in groups of 4-5. In your groups, try to find as many of the tasks as possible during class time. Each person in the group should use the camera at some point in time to film. You do need to stick together, so no wandering off on your own. See the list below for the different tasks. The total photos you should have when finished is 32 photos.
!!!!! Rules/guidelines!!!
When filming for each assignment you need to make sure you follow ALL the rules.
You must have a pass (each person)
You must stay on task
You cannot remove students from a class (no texting them)
You cannot go into a classroom with students present
You cannot be loud and interrupt classes (avoid going by the classrooms period)
You can go outside but must stay on campus
You must be respectful
You must make sure all photos are school appropriate in content
Before Leaving Class -
Pick up the following:
SD Card in the Camera
List of tasks
Make sure to be back with about 10 minutes left of class to turn in equipment and check-in
Returning to class
After filming your tasks, go back to class and complete the following:
Write the Team name on the task sheet
Write all member names on the task sheet
Total up all points
Write Camera Number on the task sheet
Turn in the task sheet
Leave the memory card in the camera
Close lens cap and turn camera in
Return to seats
Day 2 -Import videos into computer
LT: I can start a project in Premiere
Get clips into the computer
LT: I can import my clips filmed in class
Using an SD Card from a Camera
Using an USB CABLE
Adding Videos to the Timeline
LT: I can add videos to my timeline
Export the video
LT: I can export my video
Turn in
LT: I can turn in my project