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Making Tile Map Sprites

LT: I can create a tile sprite.

What are game tiles?


Game Tiles are used in lots of games and are usually referred to in reference to Tilemaps. 

Tilemaps are a grid of different assets used to build a game in one file as seen below.  Everything but the character is on this one document. Tile Maps are a popular and efficient way to build the scene of a game. This saves memory when building your game.  The parts of the tilemap can consist of the ground, various objects, decorations, and even sprites to animate.

Tiles as seen above can be used as platforms, pathways, ground levels, etc - just look at the image below. Most tiles are drawn using a square canvas and then colored and shaded as needed. Some tiles allow the game developer to create rounded corners, ramps, or inclines as seen in the tilemap.



In this project, students will create a character and tiles for their game using Photoshop. They will then create to collect and to subtract health from their character. The tiles will create the background and the objects will be used to interact with the character. Use the tutorials below to help guide in making your own tiles for your game.  Examples can be water, grass, dirt, ice, fire, lava, rocks, or a pattern of your choosing.

Start Planning
Think about the type of maze game you want to create.  This will help to determine the character and the rest of the parts of the game.  Here are a few student examples to get your creativity going.


Ground Tile

LT: I can create a ground tile in Photoshop

Use the video below to create your first ground tile

Path Tile

LT: I can create a new path tile

Use the video below to create your tile for your path

Choose a Character

LT: I can create a character for my game.
Look at some of the examples below to get an idea of the character you would like to create. Once you know what animal you want to make, use the image as a reference. In other words, look at the image as you create your own, BUT MAKE THE CHARACTER YOUR OWN.

Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 10.38.02 AM.png

File size is 64 x 64 

Draw the Character

LT: I can draw a character in Photoshop

Add Color and Shading

LT: I can color and shade my Character

Create Pick up Object

LT: I can create an object for my game

Create Your Tile Map

LT: I can create a tile map of all my assets for my game.

Video Coming Soon.

Turn In PNG to Classroom

LT: I can turn in my assignment
Tile Map Sprites.jpg
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