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LEARNING TARGET: - I can frame my shot using good composition


Backgrounds can add a lot to your video, but they can also be distracting.  For an interview, the camera person needs to make sure to use correct framing, but frame the person in a way to eliminate distraction.  Busy backgrounds and noises will take away from the overall message unless care is taken.


Watch & Discuss

Watch the video below. When watching the video, pay attention to the backgrounds. Do they help or hurt the video? 

Let's discuss what you noticed.


Now watch this video paying attention to the backgrounds. 

What was different?  Which video had better questions and why?  Which video had better information and why?​


LEARNING TARGET: I can use good backgrounds in my video

Our next step in the interview process is to make sure we are setting up a great shot with our interview and paying close attention to the background. Boring backgrounds will not help sell the story and viewers may lose interest. Backgrounds that have too much going on will distract the viewer. ​


Learn more by viewing the presentation below.



Step 1 - Create your plan for this interview:  Just as in previous weeks, choose your topic and complete your pre-production: Gather info, create your questions, and figure out who will be interviewed.  But now, think about where to film and avoid flat walls.  

Activity 1: Complete your preproduction form, making sure to use good questioning skills as previously learned, microphones and good framing. 


Step 2 - Film and edit your interviews: With your locations choosen and preproduction completed, go film the interviews.  Make sure to focus on good backgrounds.  Remember to continue to use good audio and mic skills as filming: check audio before you film and after, use a mic, and adjust levels when done


Activity 2: Go film your interviews according to the guidelines.  When done, edit your video to create a complete news package. Export the video and turn in when finished.​

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