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History of Photography

LT:  I can identify important times in photography.  I can create a research project on an important time in photography history. I can use Canva to create an infographic.

Part 1:

Photography started way before you think it did.  Below is the first know photograph taken in 1826 by Joseph Nicephore Niepce.  What do you see?

first photo.webp

But the camera obscura was even before this.  No one is sure when, but the earliest known record is around 500 BC. Aristotle and Leonardo da Vinci also wrote about the camera obscura. Johannes Vermeer is a Dutch artist that is attributed to using the Camera Obscura to aid in his paintings.

camera obscura.jpeg

Watch the video below to learn more about the history of photography and how cameras were invented.  Answer the questions in Google Classroom

Part 2:

Now that you have learned a little about photography and its beginnings, you are going to research more in-depth an era, event, or person along the timeline.  All your information will be presented on an infographic as seen below. This is just an example and yours may look different.


How To Complete the Infographic

1, Click on the link to sign up for a topic with a partner.  Only 2 people can work together, but students can work individually.

2. Once you have your topic, start your research.  Look for information and photos.  Make sure to keep track of your sources to use at the bottom of the infographic

3. In Google classroom, click on the infographic template to open it in Canva.  Once the template is open, feel free to make changes to the text, colors, and format. Do not change the size.

4. Place your photos that relate to your topic and then include bullet points or paragraphs. All work must be in your own words.

5. When complete, download and turn in the PNG file.


For help on how to use Canva, watch the video below.  Please note this is for another class, but the general idea is the same.


When finished, turn in the PNG file to Google Classroom

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