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Gameboard Sprites

LT: I can create sprites for my game

In this project, students will make sprites for their game.  The files I am using are the images below. Students will use Photoshop to create the sprites. Once the PNG files are saved, students will build the game. 

1. Start your sprites

LT: I can create sprites
Students will create their own sprites similar to the ones below using skills learned in Intro to Video Game Design.  Make sure to use the given pixel sizes when creating your sprites. Must have a Player, Pickup and Background when finished.


256 px x 256 minimum


256 px x 256 minimum


1000 px x 1000 px minimum

Save your sprites as PNG files and turn in to Google Classroom

2. Start your project and import your sprites.

LT: I can create my project file
Create a 2D game and import your sprites. If you have forgotten, you can follow along with the video below. Please note the assets are for a different game.

3. Add Assets to a Scene

LT: I can assets to my scene
Now add the sprites to the scene to start arranging our games.  Don't forget your sorting layers!!

4. Change the Game View

LT: I can change how my game looks
See how to change the game view and background color

5. Create your player

LT: I can add a player to my game
In this video, we will create a "Player" and then add a collider. If your new assets don't appear, don't forget to work on the sorting layer. Add a 1 in where there is a 0.

6. Add Boundaries

LT: I can create boudaries
Create the playing area so the ufo does not fly out of the screen.

7. Add Pick Ups

LT: I can add in my pick up and collider.
In this step, add in your pickup and the colliders.

8. Add In Text

LT: I can add in text for score.
Students will add in a UI and create their Score Text and Win Text.


LT: I can type code to make my player move. I can script to make an object rotate. I can script to keep score. I can script text.

This step of the project is what makes the game work. There are many coding languages out there, C++, Java, Python, etc. We will be using C# in either MonoVisuals or Visual Studios depending on the computer. These programs both work the same.

As you start this next step, please note -



If there are any mistakes the game will not work at all, or will not work correctly. Once again, it must BE EXACT!

Now, with all of that being said, if your game doesn't work as it should, go back and rewatch the video until you get it right. Stop and go back to check your script until it does work. This is a key part of making games, persistence. Stay with it until it works. And if that doesn't work, after you have tried all these steps, then ask for help.

9. Code the Player to Move.

LT: I can code movement
Students will type the code using what they learned from the previous project and add to it. This will allow the player to move in all directions.

Click on the link below to complete the Code Challenge to try to complete the code to move the character up and down. Once this is turned in you will get the video to complete the move code.

If you can not get it to work, see me for the complete move code.

10. Clean up the code.

LT: I can adjust the code to make it more streamline
See how to make minor changes to the code in order to simplify the final code.

11. Camera Follow Code

LT: I can code for the camera to follow the player
In this steps, students will code for the camera to follow the player around the board. This coding will come in handy for later projects, especially when the board or area is bigger than the camera.

12. Rotate code

LT: I can code to make an object rotate
Students will use a rotation code to make the pickups rotate in the game.

13. Code to collect PickUps for a score

LT: I can code to collect an object 
Students will use add code to the PlayerController code to have the player collect the pickups when it collides with the object.

14. Adding A Score with Code

LT: I can code for a score
Students will add in CountText code to keep score in their game. The score is going to be based on how many things they pick up. We will use this code in future games.

15. Coding for the End of the Game

LT: I can create a code to end the game
At the end of the game when the player gets all 12 pick-ups, the game will say "You Win!" This step will show how to code to make that phrase appear to tell you the game is over.

16. Build the WebGl

LT: I can build my game.
Once the game works as it should, students will build their game in order to publish the game to the web. This link will then be turned in and used to play their games.

17. Publish the game

LT: I can publish my game to the web.
After building the game, students will compress the file and then upload to Unity Play  The game is now live on the web and can be turned in using the link. 

Turn the link into the Padlet.

Last Step: Screen Record and Turn in

LT: I can record my game to show all the parts working.
This video will show you how to record your game while you describe how you made the game. I highly suggest you jot some notes down so you know what to say while you are showing off your basic unity game.
  1. Describe what you made

  2. Describe the steps you did to make the game

  3. Describe how it went and what went well

  4. Do all of this while showing your basic unity game and screen

Turn in screen recording to Google Classroom.
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