!!!!! Rules/guidelines!!!
When shooting your photographs for each assignment you need to make sure you follow ALL the rules.
You must have a pass (each person)
You must stay on task
You cannot go into a classroom with students present
You cannot be loud and interrupt classes (avoid going by the classrooms period)
You can go outside but must stay on campus
You must be respectful
You must make sure all photos are school appropriate in content
Before Leaving Class - IPHONE USERS ONLY
Check Camera Formats
Mrs. St.Clair
Beginning Photos
LT: I can use a device to take photos.
I can import images to a computer
I can use lightroom
I can critique my work.
I can submit 10 of my best photos using technology.
I can...
During the course of 2 class periods, students will go out to take 50 pictures of anything they want following the guidelines given. These photos will then be used at the end of the semester to show their progress in the course. Students will select their 10 best photos to turn in. Students will take some photos with a device and some with Adobe Lightroom. Students will learn how to import their photos into the Mac, how to create a contact sheet, and explore how to take photos in Lightroom.
Day 1 Photos
Day 1 - Take 25 photos around the school that you think are good photos
*Use your camera on your phone or one provided - do not use any apps to take photos other than the camera app
*Return to class after 25 images have been taken or after 30 minutes.
*Students should take their own photos and no two student photos should be the same
*Use the Edit button on phone to crop/adjust the image as necessary- do not use any filters
*If you use a class camera, you can edit in Photos on the mac if needed
*When all 25 have been edited, airdrop to the computer or connect to the computer with USB cord to import images.
*Create your first contact sheet and save.
*Turn in to Day 1 Contact Sheet
Before we start for Day 2, students are to download Adobe Lightroom to their devices.
Lightroom is an Adobe app that can be used on Devices, Computers, and on the Web. On your device, it has a camera installed that gives a little more function than your basic device camera. It also allows more editing options than your device's photo app does.
We will use this app from time to time in the course. One reason to use the app is the photos taken on your device can sync to your account. This way, you can use any lightroom platform to access the images without loading to drive or airdropping.
To Install: On device app store, look for Adobe Lightroom and install. Next, use your Adobe Account to log in
To install on a computer, watch the video below.
Why Edit?
Let's look at reasons to edit your images after taking them. Click on the video below to learn more.
Day 2
I can use Lightroom to take photos on my device.
Day 2 - Take 25 photos around the school that you think are good photos
Use your camera on your phone or one provided
Open up the Lightroom app
Follow the directions below
Some phones do not have a few of the features: Wide and UltraWide
Take 5 just plain images using the Lightroom Camera
Take 5 using the Wide setting
Take 5 using the Telephoto setting (if you do not have these - zoom in
Take 5 using the professional setting playing with exposure
Take 5 using the professional setting playing with Sec.
Return to class after 25 images have been taken.
- Students should take their own photos and no two student photos should be the same
- Use the Edit functions in Lightroom either on the phone or the computer to crop/adjust images - do not use any filters
If you use a class camera, you can edit in Photos on the mac - When all 25 have been edited, create your contact sheet and turn it into Classroom for the Day 2 Assignment
Auto and Pro
Day 3 - Create Contact Sheet
LT: I can create a contact sheet
Create contact sheets for both days and turn them in to the correct day assignment. Use the video below to help guide you.
LT: I can edit photos into a poster.
After creating your contact sheet, review your images for Days 1 & 2 and choose the best 5. You will create a poster on www.canva.com to show case your best 5.
To Turn in the file, click on Share - Go to Download. Make sure the file is saved as a PNG.
Add Images to the assignment in Google Classroom.
Add Beginning Photo Best 5 Poster to Portfolio
​LT: I can add my images to my portfolio.
Students will create a portfolio of their work from this semester. This can be used for your EDP as an example of best work. It can also be used to show the progression of your skills in the class.
Each assignment will be added to the portfolio and this will be checked periodically throughout the semester. Use the Canva Template to start. You can choose your own cover and change fonts and colors as needed.
Use the video below to learn how to add your work to your portfolio.
Note: Only one poster was made, not 2 so disregard the directions to add both day 1 and day 2 posters.