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Learning Target: I can use transitions in my video. I can understand when to use transitions. I can fake transitions during filming.

Cuts & Transitions

This assignment will be looking at how to use cuts & transitions in your videos. Cuts & Transitions can make or break a video depending on how many are used. Some help tell the story, but using a variety of cuts transitions for no reason ends up taking away from the video.

There are several different ways to get to the next clip or shot in a scene. But knowing which one to use is important. Watch the video below to learn about the 12 most used cuts & transitions. Take notes for each different type of cut or transition.

Watch the video below

Examples of Different Cuts & Transitions

Below are a few of the cuts and transitions from your notes. These are examples for you to refer to when creating your video.

Jump Cut



Cut on Action

Cross Cut/parallel Action

Cut Away

Match Cut

Smash Cut

Invisible Cut

Some transitions can be done through filming. Watch this video to see different ways to use your camera to create transitions.


Students will create an action video showing their main character going from one location to the next. The way you transition to the location can be done using several different transitions.

Students will create an action video showing their main character going from one location to the next. The way you transition to the location can be done using several different transitions.


For this project we will be practicing the different types of cuts and transitions, but in the future you need to remember a few things.

  • Keep consistent with a few transitions.

  • Do not try to use them all in one video

  • Be subtle with the transitions, unless there is a reason.

  • Try to keep the meaning of the transitions in mind

TIPS for Filming your own footage

  • Film with phone SIDEWAYS.

  • Use multiple shots and angles and some movements

  • Have a steady camera

  • Get close

  • Use good audio such as narration

  • Use clear text - make sure you can read all the way through when it is on the screen

  • Use Music - copyright free

  • Review Assignment in Google Classroom

  • Start editing your video using a video editing software.

  • Watch the video below about editing using Premiere. Remember this is just an example about how to edit the video, not how to use Premiere.

Editing J & L Cuts

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