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Agent 327

This 3D Animated video was made using Blender

What is 3D Modeling & Animation

LT: I can define 3D Animation

3D Animation is creating moving images in a 3D world digitally.  Of course, there are many definitions with slight variations on this.  But ultimately, a person is using a digital program and creating different assets and scenes. Once the objects/assets are created then one can manipulate the assets frame by frame to create a short video showing the assets moving and changing.



Students will learn to use Blender and possibly other software to create 3D scenes as well as animate the scenes and even 3D print objects.  On this page we will look at 3D Animation as well as Blender for building

 Where is 3D Modeling Used Today

People use 3D modeling is a variety of ways today.  Most people think about movies and games, but there are a lot of other careers and applications that use 3D modeling.  Doctors use 3D modeling to learn about the body and to practice surgery.  T People can use apps to see what cabinets or pictures might look like for the remodeling of their house.  Engineers use 3D modeling to design prototypes or to simulate how structures will stand up to the elements.  Products are now using 3D modeling for advertising and designing packaging.

Difference Between 2D & 3D

What are the differences?  2D is a flat surface, with X and Y axis. 3D allows a designer to look at every side of an object, X, Y, and Z axis.  3D Animation can build one character and rig it to move. In 2D Animation the character has to be drawn over and over again.

3D Modeling Programs

There are several different 3D modeling programs that are available to users.  We will use Blender in this course. Blender is free open-source software available to anyone. But, there are soooo many different programs available for PC and iPads.

3D Animation: Exploring its Applications

LT: I can identify areas 3D animation is used.

With the video below, see how 3D Animation is being used in different industries

How Pixar Changed 3D Animation

LT: I can identify how 3D animation was changed by pixar

Pixar is a big company that created the first 3D Animation feature film.
In order to be successful with their films, Pixar had to be on the cutting edge.  This video shows what they created and why to make each film better and more life like.

Pixar Part 2

Continue learning how Pixar changed 3D Animation.

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