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Blender Skills

On this page, students will learn a variety of skills to help add to their Blender knowledge. These skills should take one day to learn and will be applied to a quick assignment.

rubik cube 2.png

Image as Texture

LT: I can add an image as texture to an object

Assignment: Create a Scene

Using a plane as a table top, add a wood texture.  Then create another plane and add a living room/kitchen or outdoor scene as a background.


Create Holes in Objects

LT: I can use a boolean modifier to create a hole.

Assignment: Make a Wedge of Swiss Cheese

Using your skills learned so far in class, create a wedge of swiss cheese to turn in. The cheese must have a yellow orange color and sit on a plate on a table. The image should have good lighting and good camera angle


Create a Grate

LT: I can use poke and inset to create a grate out of a plane

Assignment: Sphere/Cube Grate

Use what you learned in the video above to create the grate effect to either  a sphere or a cube. Render the scene and turn in.


Make Steps With a Bevel

LT: I can use a bevel to make steps


Assignment: Create a Scene with Steps to a Door

Using your skill learned, add create a scene of steps that lead to a door. The door can be inside or outside, must have good lighting, the door needs a handle. Must have 5+ steps

Bevel Vertices

LT: I can bevel vertices and edges with the bevel modifier

Assignment: Make A 3 Dice Scene

Use the bevel vertices, to create a dice.  Once you have beveled the vertices, add a bevel modifier to bevel the rest of the edges.  Use the boolean modifier to create your dot faces with a cylinder.  Make sure to add material and make the dice somewhat transparent.

dice evee.png

Evee Render

dice cycles.png

Cycles Render

Make A Coin

LT: I can use the knife tool to cut a design in an object


Assignment: Create a Scene with Steps to a Door

Using your skill learned, add create a scene of steps that lead to a door. The door can be inside or outside, must have good lighting, the door needs a handle. Must have 5+ steps

Bevel Vertices

LT: I can bevel vertices and edges with the bevel modifier

Assignment: Make A 3 Dice Scene

Use the bevel vertices, to create a dice.  Once you have beveled the vertices, add a bevel modifier to bevel the rest of the edges.  Use the boolean modifier to create your dot faces with a cylinder.  Make sure to add material and make the dice somewhat transparent.

dice evee.png

Evee Render

dice cycles.png

Cycles Render

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