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Part 1: Make a Coin

In this lesson, students will learn how to extrude to create a coin. Then students will use an image to create a relief on the coin 


LT: I can extrude a mesh object.  I can use the knife tool to create a relief image.

Create the Coin

LT: I can extrude a mesh object

Add Materials and Create the Scene

LT: I can add a metallic material in Blender. I can create an emission material for a light source. I can render my scene

Learn how to add in a simple metallic material. Add in a plane for the coin to sit on.  Then add in a light source using an Emission material.  Finally create a render of your coin and turn in.

Turn in Render of Coin Scene

Part 2: Create Your Own Coin

LT: I can use what I have learned to create my own coin

Following the steps above, create your own coin with a raised image.  Turn in the render of the final image.  

Part 3: 3D Print Your Coin

LT: I can slice my coin and prepare for 3D printing

Download the program Cura. Once downloaded, follow the steps to prepare your coin to be 3D Printed.  Think about what material you will want to use.

Part 4: Animate the Coin Spinning.

LT: I can animate an object

Using the tutorial, learn how to create an animation for your coin to spin around as shown below

Coin Spin Tutorial

Optional - Animation Modifications

How to make the coin look like it is flattening as it spins and speed up the spinning

Render the Animation

LT: I can render an Animation

Learn how to change the settings to render an animation.  Then turn in the MP4 file when 

Turn in Animation Render To - Coin Animation

Part 5Coin Drops

LT: I can use physics to have coins fall and land on a table.

Now use your coin to duplicate and have them fall to land on a table.  Students will learn how to use a rigidbody on their objects to add gravity.

Turn in Animation Render To - Coin Drop Animation

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