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LT: I can look at things differently. I can find faces in inanimate objects.

Hidden Faces

For our second assignment on Looking at our environment differently, we are going to look for faces in objects around us.  Look for eyes, nose, mouth, or profiles.

Most photography is about learning to see things differently. Whether it is shapes, colors, lines or lighting, a good photographer will be able to capture something that other's may not see.


Here are some photos from Studio Likeness.  

Look around your world for 1 whole day to find objects in their setting that look like faces.  During this time, you can also stage some photos to look like faces similar to the eyeglasses and pen photo above. As said above, the faces can be profile or eyes and nose/mouth or full face-like features.

This is my favorite hidden face that I have taken.  I was at a conservatory in Chicago when I took this photo


Look Closer


And Closer still- now you should see it!


Now that you have a few examples up your sleeve, go out and see what you can find for your "Hidden Faces" assignment

Step 1 - Take Photos

Requirements for Photos

  • Must have 25 faces

  • Of the 25 total, you can have up to 13 that are staged.

  • Must be different from other students

  • You can use my props if needed

  • 5 photos can be taken at home

  • No photos can be from a previous date (if in question, I will ask to see the metadata)


Step 2 - Make Contact Sheet

Step 3- Edit your Best 5 Images

LT: I can use lightroom to edit my images.  I can crop and adjust images using a photo editing program.

  • Select the best  5 photos of hidden faces

  • Import your images into Lightroom on the computer to enhance, adjust, and crop as needed

  • Export the photos as large JPEG

Turn into the Hidden Faces Contact Sheet Assignment

Hidden Faces template (1).png

Step 4 - Make Your Poster

LT: I can show my best work. I can create a poster. I can provide good examples of hidden faces

Use the template above to create your poster. Reminder, templates do not have to be used as long as you include all information.

  • Name

  • Title of project

  • Images lined up and similar size

For guidance on how to create your poster, watch the video below.

Step 5-Add the Poster to the Padlet

Turn your poster into the Padlet website in Google Classroom.  Make sure the file is a PNG or JPEG first.

Step 6-Add the Poster and Contact Sheets to Your Portfolio

LT: I can add an image to my portfolio


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